질문 영어 지문 발음
비공개 조회수 32 작성일2024.04.09
It would be very sad if there were no more wild tigers. Would it really matter, though? After all, we could still see them in zoos or watch programs about them on TV. Shouldn’t we be more worried about protecting human beings? The fact is, however, that we need to protect tigers in order to protect ourselves. This is because all of Earth’s species are interconnected. Think about what would happen if tigers became extinct. Existing at the top of the food chain, they maintain the populations of animals they prey on, such as deer and boar. Without tigers, these species would rapidly
increase in number. As a result, their food source, vegetation, would begin to disappear. This would cause birds
and insects to lose their homes, and bigger animals that prey on them would soon run out of food. Eventually, the entire ecosystem would be affected. Humans are no exception, as we rely on nature for everything we need to survive, including air, food, and water. This is how the disappearance of a single species can threaten the whole planet.

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우드 잇 륄리 메럴, 도우?

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띵커바웃 왓우드 해픈 이프 타이걸즈 비케임 익스팅트. 이그지스팅 엣더탐 옵더 푸드 체인, 데이 메인테인 더 파퓰레이션즈 옵 애니멀스 데이 프레이온, 써치 에즈 디얼 앤드 보얼.

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에저 리졸트, 데얼 푸드 썰비스, 베지테이션 우드 비긴 투 디싸피얼.

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이벤쳘리, 디 인타이얼 에코시스틈 우드 비 어펙티드.

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디스 이즈 하우 더 디써피어런스 옵어 싱글 스피씨스 캔 뜨레튼 더 후울 플레닛.


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